2012 m. kovo 30 d., penktadienis

Tom Kenyon music

"I found great solace and comfort in these sacred hymns. I also found them hidden passages in the Divine. And I very much hope that you will be able to listen in, too, to find them."   Tom Kenyon

Tom Kenyon - the researcher, musician, singer, healer and author, is now one of the world's most renowned experts in the field of sound healing. ..His music - music for healing... Tom Kenyon worked as a therapist in the Association of the U.S. masters of psychological counseling, and even then he began to use music and a voice in their medical practice... Most of what Tom is doing now, is the synthesis of components of the inner alchemy as a means of enhancing the intensity of awareness and achieve spiritual enlightenment. He is the author of "brain states" (a guide to increase the efficiency of the brain), co-author of the messages from the Ascended Civilization "Hathor Material" as well as the author of a mystical novel "The Thieves of Reason."..


Tom Kenyon


Tom Kenyon - one of the world's most renowned experts in the field of sound healing. In the course of its work, Kenyon uses sound and music to accelerate the healing process and as a means of increasing the intensity of awareness and achieve spiritual enlightenment...

Tom Kenyon - Healing Waters

Tom Kenyon – Oceana

Tom Kenyon – Lullaby

Tom Kenyon – Lightship

Sacred Chants

Designed by our ancestors as a ladder to heaven, these Sacred Chants were heard from time immemorial. Transmitted from generation to generation, they are precious treasures... Embracing the spiritual heritage of many cultures and traditions, sacred songs take you back to the mythical kingdom of fluorescent consciousness... Writing these songs has been carried out so that the listener could learn how to chant, and carried away with him into the internal worlds...The songs have a deep calming and relaxing effect, which makes them ideal for relieving stress and tension....


A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

Sacred Chants Tara Lands (Tibetan Buddhist)

Tom Kenyon - The Alchemies Of Horus

Ascension Codes 

This is - the sound of the Ascension Codes, brought Tom Canyon of the future in order to help you raise your vibration, and thus raise you above the chaos and move to a higher level of existence. This is - the sound codes. Gifts of Hathor, angels and beings of light realms...For each step of their production being observed, whose purpose is to help humanity at this time of change. Appeasement. Penetration. The apparent magic! The vehicle in the fluorescent light of the kingdom of your own being...

Mantras: EL KA LEEM OM

Harmonic Choir

Tom Kenyon - The Ghandarvic Harmonic Choir

Tom Kenyon - Hymn To The Earth (Forbidden Songs)

Angel Code

These angels have very complex natures and diverse spiritual powers. Thus it is virtually impossible to completely describe the full range of their activity...

These sound codes are designed to be listened to with your full focus of attention. Unlike other forms of music, which you can listen to with partial awareness, these sounds are evolutionary catalysts. They are a means for you to commune with the angelic realms, and as such, they are best listened to when you have put the affairs of your daily life aside for a brief period of time.

Pick the Angel Code(s) you wish to work with from the descriptions. If you have the time and the desire, it is certainly possible to listen to all the sound meditations back to back. However, do be aware that listening to all the sound codes in one sitting might produce a type of spiritual purification that could be challenging for some persons...

here you can hear out to all:


Tom Kenyon - Calling Of The Angels

Calling the Angels ... Opens a portal to the beautiful angelic sphere. This is a relatively short sound meditation, which can be used as the primary, or as preparatory to listening to other codes...

hear out:


Tom Kenyon - Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael  - "Cuts" all the negative obstacles, all the limitations that stand in your way ... Even after the end of the time during which the sound code, Archangel will operate. There is no sphere of consciousness which is hidden from him...

hear out:


Tom Kenyon - Archangel Gabriel

This Archangel is the creative property. To enter a new world, a new spiritual order. He is the messenger of the divine. By Gabriel sounds you open new horizons to you, and spiritual aspects of life and desire for freedom. Gabriel works through the divine power of sound. Let the sound resonates within you. Allow the sound to move through you, through your inner world, the body and mind...

hear out:


Tom Kenyon - Archangel Zadkiel

 Archangel Zadkiel - it has a transformational force. Clears from the outside. Gives a new one, and a powerful spiritual energy to change and transform old ways of being...

hear out:


Tom Kenyon - Archangel Ariel

Archangel Ariel - this sweet communion with the divine. He sings in a voice that carries the secret vision of the divine self. It is a healing angel...

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Tom Kenyon - Archangel Chummuel

Archangel Chummuel - Due to its action all the angels of the previous multiply...

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Tom Kenyon - Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron - The great architect. It penetrates deep into your inner world...

hear out:


Tom Kenyon - Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael - the angel of healing, which is a balm of healing on all levels of existence: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Archangel Raphael cures vibration codes and lattices of light, which directly affect the healing process...

hear out:

“Sometimes the most courageous and powerful act - say it to themselves or another person "no" .... And sometimes people say "no" - is a manifestation of a greater "love" (ie, care) than to say "yes." ... There is one important detail associated with conducting boundaries - detachment ... Find your own truth and to act according to it, regardless of how others will react to it - it is a sign of personal sovereignty and independence. This action requires the ability to create and maintain boundaries ....“  Tom Kenyon

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Tom Kenyon muzika ... "Aš suradau didelę paguodą ir patogumą šituose šventuose himnuose... Aš taip pat suradau juose paslėptą dievišką ėjimą  ... . Ir aš labai tikiuosi, kad ir jūs sugebėsite klausytis, - ir taip pat  surasti juose šventumą..."

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