She was able to prove
yourself and others - that beauty does not disappear over time if it shines
from within ...
Maria Callas - during the life of this
actress loved, worshiped, hated, revered and despised, but her professional
skills will never leave no one indifferent...
Maria Callas (December 2, 1923 - September 16, 1977) - opera singer
(soprano), one of the greatest singers of the twentieth century ...
Enthusiastic audiences during his lifetime was awarded her the title of La Divina - Divine ... Maria Callas is among the reformers of opera, as Wagner and
Arturo Toscanini...
Brightness of singing and games, it has revolutionized the operatic stage,
transforming into a serious drama is what is commonly understood as a boring
opera rutina... Hers life resembled ancient Greek tragedy, in which she
alternately sang Hero, the Divine, Mistresses and victims... She did not leave
behind any heirs, or even the grave - her ashes were scattered over the Aegean
Sea... But the world will never forget
the amazing unique voice of Maria Callas...
Maria Callas was born in New York in a family of Greek immigrants ... Her mother wanted her daughter to realize
their talents and become a failed drive her to New York Library on Fifth Avenue
.... Maria started listening to classical music from three years ... five started taking piano lessons - and to eight years in vocal
lessons .... In 1936, Maria's mother returned to Athens to
continue the musical education her daughter .... At age 14, Mary began to study at the Athens Conservatory under the direction of the
former Spanish singer Elvira de Hidalgo ...
In July 1941, in German-occupied Athens, the debut
of Maria Callas in Athens in the opera Tosca...
In 1945, Maria Callas returned to New York. ..
There was a series of failures: it did not provide Toscanini, she refused to
sing in the "Metropolitan Opera" party of Cio-Cio-San because of its
great weight, dashed hopes for a revival of "Lyric Opera" in Chicago,
where she hoped to sing...
In 1947, Callas made her debut at the
amphitheater "Arena di Verona" in the opera "La Gioconda,"
Ponchielli Tullio Serafin running .... Meeting with Seraphin was, as most
Callas, "the true beginning of the career and the biggest success" of
her life ...
Tullio Serafin - Callas enters into the world of grand opera ... She sings
the first installment of "Aida" by Verdi and "Norma" by
Bellini at the end of 1948 .... In early 1949, within one week of conflicting parties in vocal Brünnhilde in
"Valkyrie" Wagner and Elvira in "Puritans" Bellini created
the phenomenon of creative singer Maria Callas ... She was singing and lyrical,
and dramatic and coloratura party, which was a miracle of singing - "four
voices in a single throat" .. . In 1949, Callas goes on tour in South America.
... In 1950 she first sang in "La Scala"
and became "the queen of Italian divas" ...
In 1953 EMI, the company produces the first
complete opera recording with Maria Callas ...
the same year, she loses
weight by 30 pounds ... Transformed Callas conquers audience at the opera
houses of Europe and America in the opera "Lucia di Lammermoor" by
Donizetti, "Norma" by Bellini, "Medea" Cherubini, "Il
Trovatore" and "Macbeth," Verdi's "Tosca" by Puccini...
In 1959 is a turning point in a successful career
... This was facilitated by loss of voice ... a series of scandals .. divorce
.. break with the "Metropolitan Opera", the forced departure from the
"La Scala" ... unrequited love for Aristotle Onassis .. loss of a
child .. Trying to return to the stage in 1964 ends with another failure ...
In 1947, in Verona, Maria met Giovanni Battista
Manegini, an Italian industrialist and a great lover of opera ... Menegini was
30 years older than Mary ... That did not stop, for that matter, did not stop
and that it weighed at the time 104 pounds...
Both families, however, were against their marriage ... Family Menegini
feared that Battista, married to an opera singer, gave up the family business -
and his mother Mary was very upset by the difference in age, as well as the
fact that Menegini was not a Greek ... The wedding took place in Verona in 1949 ... None of the relatives of the bride and groom is not present ...
Menegini immediately began in earnest career of his young wife ... Maria
lost weight and learned how to dress in accordance with the requirements of
fashion ... It was a triumphant debut performance on the stage of the famous
"La Scala" in Milan in 1950. .. Menegini did not allow his wife to
have children out of fear - that it could damage her career ...
Their married life yet evolved happily memorable sea cruise in 1959 aboard the yacht "Christina", owned by Aristotle Onassis...
Aristotle Onassis ... Boy, he sold
grapes on the streets of Smyrna ... Its fantastic condition, Aristotle amassed
during the Second World War, supplying oil to Europe at war. .. Onassis was
married to the daughter and heiress of the shipowner Stavros Livanos, who bore
him two children ... Now, when it was all he needed was just fame and glory
again. Maria Callas was the embodiment of Fame ... Onassis decided to conquer
the Maria Callas...
The yacht "Christina" is a tale of the "Thousand and One
Nights." It was like a floating palace in the five floors. Splendour of
the situation, works of art, filled with fire halls, music, flowing over the
surface of the sea.. And next to the
Onassis - Maria...
August 6, "Christine" dropped anchor in the Aegean Sea, the home
of Mary and Aristotle. They blessed the patriarch, who came from Constantinople
on the occasion of the famous guests. Newsboys were on the trail, and overtook
them at a restaurant in Milan. It was the end of a quiet life with Menegini.
She said that divorces him and going to work without a manager. Aristotle was
flattered. Between husband and wife started a real war. Tina Onassis had left
with her children at home, file for divorce...
But Onassis was not going to leave the family. The case was not in love. He
valued the relationships and reputation in the world of shipowners. He persuaded
Tina to leave and not deceiving Mary ...But Mary loved ... In Dallas, the
performance of the Party Lucia, Maria's voice broke ... The news was
immediately picked up the newspaper .... Spiteful remarks about the failure of
the joined the general chorus, sternly condemned Mary breaching the sanctity of
marriage ... However, divorce still take place...
This fanned the secret actress called the "eternal Cinderella"
... She was ready for anything ... About anything without thinking, not
noticing anything around him, she dreamed of a wedding to Aristotle ...
Especially since he divorced in 1960, Tina ... But the wedding never took
place. Maria did not want to participate in the regular gatherings of
celebrities on "Christine" in which she was a perpetual subject of
curiosity and incessant gossip ... It almost was not busy in the new operas.
December 11, 1961 Callas sang in "La Scala", she knew that her
Aristotle is not in the hall ... Ironically, this evening the singer sang an
aria Medea ... Mary felt that she had lost his voice ... After this failure it
was destined to hear from her lover, Aristotle, the most terrible accusations:
"You - a nonentity," ... Quarrels were followed by reconciliation.
However, the end was inevitable...
- the widow of President John F. Kennedy
Mary learned that Aristotle became friends with Princess Lee Radziwill,
sister of Jacqueline Kennedy and President John F. Kennedy's sister, who was
killed in Dallas. Aristotle tried to reassure Mary. He promised to buy the
island of Skorpios, which will become an island of their love. But she does not
live and love of Aristotle on this island. Onassis offered his boat to the
services of Jackie Kennedy. Unfortunate it was necessary to grow strong, to
distract, to heal the emotional wound. Mary did not agree to participate in
this cruise. She felt superfluous and left. So Mary was in New York in a small
apartment on the Avenue George Mandela...
Callas left the scene, but starred in "Medea" by Paolo Pasolini,
studied at the Academy Dzhulyarde ... Mary was not going to give up ... She had
to learn to live without Aristotle ... October 17, 1968, Aristotle married the
widow of number 1 - Jacqueline Kennedy. Young was waiting for the island of
In 1975, the American Hospital, Aristotle died, thinking of Mary ...
Two years later she left him ... And they accompanied her flowers from her
Aristotle ... Posthumous Onassis's will was executed. He was with Mary on her way
to eternity ... Her ashes scattered over the Aegean sea, the waves which ships
sailed Odyssey and Aristotle ...
The last years of his life, Maria Callas lived in Paris, practically
without leaving the apartment - where her died in 1977 ... She was cremated and buried at the Pere Lachaise cemetery ... Later,
her ashes were scattered over the Aegean Sea ...
Dieviškoji Maria Callas
Šios aktorės gyvenimui - mylimos, garbintos, neapkęstas, gerbtos ir niekintos – bei jos profesiniams įgūdžiams, niekada neliks abejingas žemiškasis
Maria Callas (1923 m. gruodžio 2 - 1977 m. rugsėjo 16) –
operos atlikėja (sopranas), viena iš labiausių didžiųjų dvidešimto amžiaus dainininkų...
Entuziastingos auditorijos per jos gyvenimo trukmę ją apdovanojo pavadinimu - La Divina - Dieviškoji...
Jos gyvenimas priminė senovinę graikų tragediją, - kurioje
ji iš eilės dainavo Didvyrį, Dieviškumą, Šeimininkę ir Auką... Ji nepaliko jokių įpėdinių, ir net kapo - jos pelenai buvo išbarstyti Egėjo
jūroje... Bet pasaulis niekada neužmirš nuostabaus unikalaus Maria Callas
1970-ųjų metų Paryžius... Garsi operos dainininkė ir viena gražiausių
bei garsiausių pasaulio moterų Maria Callas
atsiduria kryžkelėje: ji jaučiasi niekam
nereikalinga, praradusi gyvenimo meilę ir unikalų talentą, kamuojama ligos,
nesuprasta nei kaip menininkė, nei kaip moteris...
Gestanti, krintanti žvaigždė, beveik nebešildoma
praėjusios sėkmės spindulių… Liūdnas paskutines gyvenimo dienas Maria Callas nutaria praleisti
Paryžiuje, - vieniša, serganti, gedinti…
Ji sugebėjo sau ir kitiems įrodyti, kad grožis
nedingsta bėgant laikui, jeigu jis švyti
iš vidaus…
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